
The Home is the clear focus of attention for ACEDE, however, innovation and the search for business diversification is also at the core of what we do. The door is ‘opened’ to intersectionality, allowing the flow of potential, new business opportunities that may result from the key competencies of the participants in the open innovation project, even beyond the home sector.

Inter-sectoral diversification

Research and analysis in circular economy

Remanufacturing consists of returning a product to a guaranteed state of quality equivalent to or higher than that of the original product. It requires a high, industrial mastery and knowledge of industrial parts. ACEDE began to investigate the possibilities offered by remanufacturing in Gipuzkoa industry in 2015. From this point, activities in this field related to analysis work, company actions and advisory and training initiatives have been carried out.

In 2015, Remanufacturing Gipuzkoawas started, with the objective of increasing cross-pollination between companies and entities with remanufacturing potential in industrial regions such as Gipuzkoa. This project was funded by the Department of Economic Promotion of the Gipuzkoa, later IHOBE, the Public Society of Environmental Management of the Basque Government commissioned a study called Remanufacturing Euskadi during 2016, with the aim of carrying out a first diagnosis of the reality of reconditioning and remanufacturing activities in the industry of the Basque Country. Later, GUREAK industrial commissioned us to explore business options in remanufacturing. In 2017, Recup-Reman carried out a first exploration of white goods appliance reconditioning and remanufacturing options for the Emmaus Social Foundation.

This initiative derives in the Renode project. This initiative derived from the Renode project, an initiative from 2017 in which the companies Emaus Gipuzkoa, Indumetal, Motorlan, Talleres Arrano and Sareteknika participated. Their objective was to learn from others’ achievements and mistakes, and to stimulate collaborative processes to generate new experiences and fresh knowledge.

It has also participated mentoring the doctoral thesis of Aitor San Francisco. “Framework For The Analysis Of The Life Cycle Of Remanufactured Products. Application To The Environmental Impact Of Servomotors”.

Dynamisamization of new initiatives

The potential of the grouped competencies of the participants allows the discovery of new opportunities beyond the project parameters. There is room to explore the viability of these new opportunities beyond the immediate sector or accompanying agents in the resulting sector. Various cases where these circumstances occur are being followed up and promoted to validate their possible viability.

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Open innovation communication management

Conceptual Alignment Of A Science And Technology Plan

This project forms a strategic framework made up of 3 axes (sustainability, digitisation and inclusion), 9 lines of research and 27 strategic actions, with 30 work teams that total at least 90 people from professionals in the world of construction, engineering, telecommunications, the academic sector or innovation.

When the collaborative project is large and complex our experience in managing open innovation and the complexity of managing intangibles allows us to add value to the structure and communication of the project. This helps both in the internal management of multiple actors, as well as the maintenance of the key objectives for the project.

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Area cases

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